Coffee & Environmental Sustainability

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Organic Fair Trade Coffee

women harvesting fair trade coffee

Why is Fair Trade Important?

Fair Trade Certified coffee guarantees farmers a minimum price, which acts as a safety net when prices drop (i.e., like right now!). This gives Fair Trade coffee farmers the security that they will receive a price which covers their average costs of sustainable production. Beyond the price, cooperatives are paid a premium so they can invest in projects that benefit their communities, improve their businesses, and protect the environment.

Did you know?

Because of a lack of communication and infrastructure in coffee growing countries, coffee farmers are often paid less than 25 cents per pound for their harvested coffee, which is something we do not want to be a part of.

This unethical practice has resulted in generational poverty among coffee lands and threatens the future of coffee. Coffee cultivation is dying because younger generations don’t see a sustainable life in the profession. We want a bright future for both the community and their coffee, don’t you?